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Dan Pinder4 Sep 2023 - 17:26
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The newly rejuvenated Buccaneers bring home the W

The newly rejuvenated Buccaneers looked to right the wrongs of last season by fielding a massive 24 man squad for their first pre season friendly against old rivals, Sandal. Their first game under new coach and club stalwart Dan Zgoda meant the injection of some direction, passion and perhaps most importantly, some young talent to add to the Bucc's ranks, with 3 former colts getting their first taste of senior rugby and plenty of others who have only dipped their toe. A hot day in Wakefield, combined with an ancient referee and a pitch as wonky as Lew Parky’s walk up to the Treehouse bouncers led to a real game of two halves and some free flowing rugger for the bumper crowd of approximately 12 people.

The first half had the Bucc's with the sun at their backs and the joys of a downhill advantage which meant the boys had plenty of opportunity to play ball. The platform was set with multiple strong carries from inside centre, Will Stowe putting the Bucc's on the front foot in Sandal’s half and allowing Parky the occasional option to pass the ball, release the dancing feet of newly signed fullback, Tom Winch who created a 2 on 1 to put speedster Jez Oboh in the corner after a filthy out the back door pass which will live long in the memory of the Bucc's. The 2nd of the afternoon was in similar fashion, with carries from new boy starlet no8 Jack Walker and once again Will Stowe putting us on the front foot and allowing Lewis Parky to put in an absolutely atrocious cross field kick which some how bounced back into the hands of winger, Jez who dotted down for his 2nd. Terrible option but fortune favours a man who can’t handle his pints.

Sandal were on the ropes but led by the ex-Bucc fly half Ben Vickers, were peppering the Ionians defence and made 30m off a nicely executed 1st phase backs move from a scrum meaning the opposition were in our red zone. A couple of pick and go’s and some questionable refereeing approaches to hands in rucks meant Sandal got a full 7 points and brought them back within 3. Not to be deterred, the Bucc's continued their fast paced attack and spent most of the down hill half penned in enemy territory. Sandal then fell foul of the new tackle law and were punished with their hooker enjoying a 10 minute rest in the shade which as a ginger, I was exceptionally jealous of. More space to attack meant quick ball found Lewis for our first 7 pointer just outside the posts. Lew certainly had the taste for it and was soon to add to his tally with some free flowing offloads which notched up our score by another 5.

Half time oranges and a solid performance so far. Nonetheless, the boys couldn’t get carried away as an uphill battle remained. As expected, Sandal came out the blocks firing and grinded us down with some strong forward carries from their big lads which meant they scored 7 points a few minutes after the whistle. Ionians responded with Dan Pinder who led from the front with his comms, Pinder crashed forward from 2m out with a strong pick and go after some territory gained from some ruck infringements felt by Sandal. 27-12… Game over? Absolutely not.

The Bucc's were trying to play too much rugby in their own half and were punished from failing to exit from kick off. As a result, the boys’ defence continued to be tested and we kept falling foul at the ruck meaning multiple penalties and 2 unanswered tries for punishment from repeated forward carries from Sandal. It was time to buck up our ideas; 27-22, Sandal within 5, squeaky bum time… Cometh the hour and cometh the Man, Joe Midgley or Lewis Minikin? I’m not sure I know the difference. The ball some how popped out from a ruck with Pete McGlyn mastering his jackelling dark arts and the ball found it’s way into skinny midge’s hands. He glided past his opposition and show boated his way in from 50m. The straw that broke the camel’s back? We hoped so.

Back to it and Jack Walker continued to impress with his strong carries from kick off providing the final nail in the coffin which was instigated by a barn storming 25m romp up the pitch. This was followed by 2 or 3 outrageous offloads, one hitting off midge’s massive head and some how ending up in Jez’s hands to saunter in the final 50m. Extras added and game put to bed. Final whistle and a first victory for Ziggy’s men, 39-22.

Honourable mentions go to; Jack Walker for an outstanding MoM debut at 8, Ben Vickers the Sandal ex-Bucc who gave his best effort against us, Jez for securing a debut hat trick, Mike Mel for a return to his boyhood club, Jake Harding for his outstanding work in defence. And finally, Zig for almost getting red carded on the sideline on his first appearance as coach after an altercation with the referee who was approximately 50 years his senior.

Further reading